Covenant Group Signup: Two New Groups Forming

Covenant groups have been a vital part of Eliot for 21 years. Considered small group ministry, covenant groups are designed to help church members build strong relationships with each other and with the congregation as a whole. If you want to learn more about Eliot's thriving covenant groups, stop by Adams Hall this Sunday where you can talk to group facilitators about the benefits of belonging to a group. 

Sign-up sheets will be on hand if you'd like to join an existing group or be a part of one of two newly forming groups. 

Two New Covenant Groups Forming This Spring

Mary Nistler is starting a group called "Soul Writers." It will meet the second Thursday of the month from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in Room 006. The first meeting will be March 14. Members of Mary's group will discuss and write responses to spiritual/philosophical passages. 


Brian Krippner is facilitating a new group starting on April 10, titled "IntrovUUrts."  It will meet the second Wednesday of each month at his home in Crestwood from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Brian's group is geared for people who consider themselves introverts and want a spiritual experience in a small setting.

If you want to learn more about these covenant groups, stop by Adams Hall this Sunday after both services. 

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